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Queen Mary university students become the first to have lectures in the Metaverse



Most education systems are stuck in the industrial age teaching students traditional skills in traditional ways that haven’t evolved much for a century.


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Queen Mary University in the UK are not the only ones teaching students about the future, we are too – and also in the Metaverse – and they just announced that they’ve become the first university to run its lectures in the metaverse and has said that it can be a vital tool in helping train future doctors, nurses, and surgeons – even as elsewhere AI now seems better at teaching neurosurgery than even the best human lectures … but that’s another story.


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The metaverse has several significant benefits compared to traditional online learning, according to Professor Ahmed. Students can replicate activities previously only possible in-person – signalling a potentially game-changing moment for education.

The metaverse is a 3D virtual world where users create avatars of themselves to share spaces, collaborate, and do real activities together. It is a digital world filled with real-life people.

“This represents a significant shift in how we can deliver education, especially when there is a practical element like when studying medicine. Future education will rely on hybrid learning platforms,” said Professor Ahmed, a surgeon and Lecturer, adding “a 3D environment enables us to create 3D assets for example an anatomical model and interact with one another, which can be invaluable in teaching and clearly isn’t a possibility over Zoom or Teams. For example, we can simulate a real-life medical procedure in VR – which can be extremely useful technology in helping to train the doctors and surgeons of tomorrow.


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“Of course, in-person teaching adds the most value, but we are definitely seeing a shift in how education can be delivered and improved with the technology at our fingertips. And with more immersive learning opportunities using VR being rolled out around the country, there is evidence to suggest these types of opportunities are here to stay.”

“I am always proud to see truly innovative education here at Queen Mary, and teaching students inside a 3D world is a fantastic example of how we are constantly keen to experiment with the latest technology and give our students the very best learning experience,” said Stephanie Marshall, Vice Principal at Queen Mary’s.

“I imagine that those who attended will always remember the occasion and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. By embracing all that technology has to offer, we can make higher education more interactive, inclusive, and engaging for everyone.”


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Periklis Giannakis, a medical student who attended the lecture, said: “I really loved the experience of being one the very first medical students in the world to attend a lecture in the metaverse. It made learning much more fun and I really enjoyed the fact that I could interact with everyone attending. It was very surreal as it resembled an actual face to face lecture, and I feel fortunate to have been able to access this cutting-edge technology.”

Teaching students in the metaverse helps solve one of the key challenges that has arisen from online learning – a lack of tools in place to enable scientific experiments or any practical, hands-on activities in much the same way that would be possible in-person.

The lecture covered the metaverse in medical education and the digital transformation of medicine – helping students to understand the technology that underpins some of the modern healthcare today. Students joined through either a VR desktop app or an Oculus headset.


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Students were also able to enjoy a more interactive experience with group teaching also made easier by the technological features within the VR world, compared to the traditional online experience.

There are plans for more lectures to take place in this format, with further modules on the course planned for other students who would like to experience a teaching session through VR.

Professor Ahmed has a history of pioneering technology in surgery, having previously taken students on virtual ward rounds during the pandemic. He has spent more than six years at Queen Mary teaching using innovative technologies such as using Google Glass, virtual reality, holograms, avatars and mixed reality.

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