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Futurist Keynote, London: The Future of Communities and Housing, British Property Federation



The places where we live and the communities we live in help make us who we are and shape our future and the way we build communities in the future will benefit everyone.


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Firstly, a huge thank you to Ian and the team at the British Property Federation, who help oversee the £1.7 Trillion UK real estate market, for asking me, originally, to be the keynote for their annual event in London that, due to the Covid-19 pandemic then became a virtual event where we managed to pack even more great content in and turn the keynote into entertainment for the entire family for those of us in lock down.


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During the keynote we covered a wide range of topics, from science fiction to science fact, discussed how the sustainable communities of the future will be built and their role in society, and all manner of things.


Rewind and watch the keynote 

We even managed to discuss the building methods and materials of the future, including green concrete and self-healing self-replicating bricks, which are as crazy as they sound, that will help eliminate over 10 percent of all greenhouse gasses, the role and impact of new urban agriculture initiatives and the impact that 5G, drones, and drone construction vehicles will have on our ability to autonomously and remotely build houses, and much more.


Futurist keynote, London: The Future of Asset Management, Euromoney Asset Management 2.0 Summit


The future of energy, innovation, and transportation also managed to sneak in there with some surprising consequences for the industry…!



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