During this Virtual Reality tour futurist Matthew Griffin takes you on a journey into the future of healthcare in 2050 and shows you the technologies behind the breakthroughs, from AI powered robo labs and nanobots, to advances in nuclear medicine and beyond.
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Firstly, thank you to Joyce and the team at Novartis, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies with over $50 Billion in annual revenues and over 110,000 employees around the world for asking me to be the virtual star, or virtual avatar at least, of their global Healthcare 2050 campaign.
Filmed and presented in virtual reality by yours truly using virtual sets designed with the Unreal engine I took audiences on a journey into the future and showed them how new technologies are transforming healthcare for everyone’s benefit.
Take a journey with me into the future of medicine
From co-writing the script, which was challenging given the fact that I had to deliver a large amount of content within a mere two minute window, to acting and helping craft the final deliverables, this was the third time I’ve been “virtualised” by my clients, and even though the audiences might think nothing of it the final product was the result of a days worth of green screen recordings in a studio near Basingstoke and weeks worth of prep.
Take a journey with me into the future of medicine
From the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), digital twins, and robotics to help accelerate the development of new drugs and treatments, as well as accelerate clinical trials, through to breakthroughs in virtual home cancer care and nuclear medicine, and the democratisation of healthcare at home using tele-medicine and smart devices we covered a lot of ground in two minutes. And we could have gone on for two days …
After a lot of work the virtual reality journey through the future got its first official airing at the NHS Expo in June in the UK where it was “met with wild acclaim” according to the organisers so thank you to everyone involved in making it happen!