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Futurist Keynote, Spain: The Sci-Fi Future Unleashed, Accenture



The global rate of change is faster today than at any other point in human history, and that rate is accelerating. These are some of the consequences …


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Firstly, thank you to Rui and Palmona at Accenture for asking me to be the keynote at Accentures’ Annual Digital Summit which this year because of the ongoing global pandemic was held virtually – something that was, ironically, very in keeping with the theme of the event.


Futurist keynote, Helsinki: The Future of Transportation, Nordic Digital Business Summit


Known as ADC7 because this was the summit’s seventh year we heard from the Founder and CEO of Spotify, the CIO of Airbus, and numerous other luminaries from across government and the private sector about their experiences with building and scaling digital programs and businesses, and their thoughts on the future.


See the keynote in full


In the months before the keynote Accentures interactive team and I pre-recorded chroma interviews between myself and Angeles, Accenture’s Managing Director, created holographic invitations for the guests, and teleported between the main stage and different space stations – all virtually of course.


Futurist Keynote, London: Future of Healthcare 2020 to 2070, Willis Towers Watson


Then, during the keynote itself I discussed the future of numerous industries, from agriculture and energy, to retail and transportation, and their impacts, and walked the audience through new technology innovations which will help their organisations accelerate their rates of innovation by thousands fold, and transform global culture.

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