The companies and startups of the future will be very different from today’s, so during this keynote I dive into the rabbit hole.
Firstly, thank you to the team at Accenture for inviting me to be their keynote speaker at the annual Accenture Technology Symposium in Paris, France, where I was given the opportunity to showcase how companies in the year 2040 will develop products, operate, and scale, and where other executives discussed how they’re preparing their own organisations today for the “technology fuelled lightening-like speed of change” in what Accenture refer to as the Post-Digital era.
During the event we had the honour of hearing from C-level executives from organisations including Airbus, Bayer, BP, Sanofi, Thales, and Veolia, to name but a few, and how they are helping their organisations navigate and prepare themselves for a world where the rule books of the past increasingly no longer apply, and where science fiction like technologies become commonplace.
Watch the keynote in full
Against this backdrop I discussed the rise of fully autonomous, omni-present, holocratic organisations that can disrupt global industries in just days, not months or years, that are run by inter-connected AI’s and “Digital Human” avatars. And, going further into the rabbit hole, I then went on to show the audience how these autonomous companies will be able to share experiences and knowledge ingested and “learned” from global scale information and sensor networks via Hive Minds in order to grow and thrive, as well as how they’ll also be able to draw on the experiences and knowledge of previous human CEO’s and board members who’ve immortalised themselves in avatar form.
From there, bearing in mind we had a lot to pack into just forty minutes, I showed the audience new ways to accelerate their own rates of hardware and software innovation by anywhere between a thousand fold and hundreds of millions fold, with examples, and quickly discussed the implications that AI’s that self-code, self-design, self-evolve, and self-replicate will have on them and organisations of the future.
And the result of all this? Well, in my opinion I think we need a new word for fast because the pace of change in the future will be insane by today’s meek standards.