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Futurist Keynote, Spain: The Future of Longevity and Healthcare for Newcross Health


In this keynote and fireside chat futurist Matthew Griffin explores the Future of Longevity and Healthcare with a special focus on the impact that AI will have on the two over the coming years and decades.


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Firstly, thank you to Stephen Pattrick, the CEO of Newcross Healthcare Solutions, one of the UK’s largest providers of nurses and personalised healthcare in the UK, for asking me to be the keynote at their annual leadership conference held in Gibraltar, Spain.


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During my keynote which was titled The Future of Longevity and Healthcare I was asked to focus on the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in helping improve patient outcomes and explore all the ways in which human lifespans can be extended against the backdrop of increasing global pressures as we see the number of people dying from non-contagious diseases far outstrip those dying from accidents and contagious diseases.


The Future of Longevity and Healthcare, by Keynote Matthew Griffin


Split into two sections the first part of my presentation focused on solutions to the rapidly rising number of deaths that arise from climate change, mental health issues, poor diet, and poor lifestyle choices. These included the development of new food production methods and AgTech 3.0, new solutions to tackle the problem of heat and hot cities, and new solutions to tackle mental health and reduce deaths from suicide, among many others.


Preparing for the Future, Fireside Chat with Matthew and Stephen


Then next I focused on the role of AI in healthcare and how increasingly powerful and sophisticated AI models are helping us develop new anti-biotics and vaccines in minutes, unravel the mysteries of the human body to supercharge the capabilities of predictive healthcare, and democratise access to healthcare professionals and specialist life saving services in ways that just a few years ago would have been thought of as impossible, so sit back, play, pause, and rewind the keynote and my fireside chat with Stephen at your leisure. And live long, and prosper.

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