Today we can see technologies that will help us eliminate up to 60 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, so now it’s down to us to embrace change.
Firstly, a big thank you to the team at AccontancyAge for asking me to be this year’s keynote at their annual summit in Belgium where I was asked to discuss one of the subjects that’s closest to my hearts, namely the environmental cost of innovation and how we build a future for us all where sustainability is at the heart of everything do, and where we still have an inhabitable planet to live on.
When we look at today’s world people could be forgiven for thinking that we are all headed down a one way road where one half of the planet is on fire while the other is underwater and being battered by increasingly powerful, but that future isn’t set in stone, yet, and today we have plenty of powerful tools at our disposal that can help us change the narrative and create a better brighter future for us and our children. Whether or not we embrace and use them though, well, that’s down to us.
See the keynote
During my keynote I discussed the environmental cost of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain, and the new tools we have at our disposal to mitigate it, and then shone a light on the various breakthroughs that collectively give us a path to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, in the long run, by over sixty percent. Although, admittedly, it’s never as straight forwards as that.
I discussed breakthroughs that include the electrification of transportation, and new ways to produce food without the animals or farms, as well as new construction techniques and materials, and of course, last but certainly not least, new green energy generation and storage technologies. I even managed to discuss, albeit rather tongue in cheek, NASA’s new green rocket fuel…
The future is in our hands, and what kind of planet we all live on in 2050 is down to us, so I hope you enjoy the keynote, and, as always feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat.