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Futurist Keynote, London: Limitless with the University of Greenwich



In this keynote session futurist Matthew Griffin discusses how technology is redefining human potential, human learning, and opening the door to the greatest era Mankind has ever seen …


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Firstly, thank you to Debbie and Sharon at the University of Greenwich in London, UK, for asking me to be the keynote for the university’s inaugural student get together where I and other speakers from around the world shared our views on the future with the university’s students and discussed the technologies and trends shaping it.


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During my presentation, which I titled “Limitless,” I showed the university’s undergrads why they are the most powerful versions of themselves that have ever lived, how they have the potential to change the world at unfathomable speed and cost, and asked them questions noone has ever asked them before. I also discussed the upsides of extreme Artificial Intelligence (AI) automation – the other side of the “AI coin” that so far the global negative news agencies have neither spied nor talked about.


Unlocking Limitless Human Potential, by keynote Matthew Griffin


Today, our increasingly interconnected world and powerful technologies are imbuing us with new abilities, and helping all of us unlock and realise our own unlimited potential. So, it was against this backdrop that I asked the students three questions that noone has likely ever asked them before: What would you do [with your life] if you had access to all the world’s knowledge, all the world’s skills, and the ability to bring your imagination – whatever it is – to life?


Futurist keynote, London: The Future of Trust, Battle of the Quants


And if you’re wondering why I’m asking these questions then watch the keynote, which was recorded after the session since the original wasn’t recorded, and then figure out what all this opportunity means for you and how you live your life in the future.

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