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Futurist Keynote, Bahrain: The Future of Work and the Workplace, Bahrain Govt



The future of work and the workplace will be very different from what we see today, and while many worry about the threat of automation there are more upsides than downsides.


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Firstly, it was a great privilege to be asked to present to the Bahrain government, DG’s, ministers, and undersecretaries and discuss the Future of Work – a topic that is now more top of mind than it ever has been before as the world cautiously looks towards a post pandemic future and returning to the new normal.


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During the presentation I discussed a number of future business operating models that included everything from today’s gig economy workers, which now account for around 30 percent of the global workforce, the rise of what I call Algorithmic Organisations – where Artificial Intelligence (AI) discovers, hires, manages, optimises, and fires members of the workforce automatically and autonomously – and then I briefly discussed the rise of a new breed of organisation – fully autonomous organisations.


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Turning to the workforce and workplace I discussed how both are changing with the times as immersive technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) let us literally work in any location “virtually” from any location via telepresence and tele-operations, and then I went on to discuss the future of human-machine collaboration and partnership.


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Then, lastly but not least, in light of the fact that the vast majority of the world’s news outlets focus on the negatives of future workforce automation I highlighted the differences between dumb automation, the rise of autonomous platforms, and the Centaur Principle. And if you’re wondering what that last one is then you’ll just have to watch the keynote, and I guarantee you won’t be  disappointed.

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