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Futurist Keynote: Living Your Most Comfortable Life, IMI



Opportunities for re-invention and re-framing your business are everywhere as digitisation and new technologies let companies in all industries break out of their silos.


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Firstly, thank you to Bhumika and the team at IMI Plc, the world’s largest manufacturers of environmental control systems for everything from your home to your giant offshore oil rig, for asking me to be the keynote and workshop host for their first ever global annual innovation summit where hundreds of leaders from around the world came together to investigate current market trends and explore new directions for the company as they look for new ways to grow top line revenues by over $1 Billion within the next four years.


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During my keynote we took a deeper look into some of the emerging innovations in their industry as well as in adjacent industries that could impact their business and market in the future – for better and worse – and explored the technologies being used to create passive homes as well as carbon negative ones.


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We then broke for questions, and when we returned I highlighted the value of mission statements and re-defining their purpose, moving from a business primarily centered around “Heating” to one centered around “Comfort,” digitisation and new operating models. And with that groundwork laid we then opened the floor and explored a huge variety of complimentary current and future markets that they could move into, which included everything from financial services and mobility, to smart homes and even mental wellbeing.


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With over 300 participants from all around the world we then broke into a four hour workshop to ideate new products and visions for the company and over the coming year I look forwards to seeing how they progress against their goals and seeing the company evolve beyond its core.

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