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Virtual star and singer Lil Miquela unveils her debut US single Not Mine



In the future your little wanna be pop stars are going to have to compete with virtual stars …


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America could soon be getting a new famous, but fake, pop star after millionaire virtual influencer Lil Miquela, who I’ve talked about before, and who’s leading a growing trend of companies developing their own virtual artists and influencers, with some even being signed by labels such as Warner and Sony, released her debut single “Not Mine,” a catchy downtempo R&B-pop track with a solid groove that would fit in perfectly on a Tinashe or Kehlani album.


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The virtual artist has been building a social media presence for the past year based around selfies, a fun attitude an affinity for memes; basically she’s a 20-year-old girl, only digitally constructed. And the world has been taking notice: She has nearly 240,000 Instagram followers and press from The Washington Post to Lena Dunham’s Lenny Letter have all penned pieces about the quandary that is interpreting this avatar with a very real-feeling personality.


Listen to the new track …


Now Miquela is releasing music with a ready audience for her (naturally) auto-tuned crooning. The single is self-released, written by Miquela herself, according to the credits, and, per a press, release is just the beginning things to come.


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“I’ve been writing and recording so much for the album and had been dying to release something,” she said in a statement. “‘Not Mine’ is all about summer love and growing up, so it felt like something I needed to drop now.”

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