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Futurist Keynote, USA: Future State 2055 with Louisiana and US DOT


In this keynote and workshop session futurist Matthew Griffin explores what the next 40 years could have in store for the state of Louisiana and its impact on their 2055 transportation strategy.


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Firstly, thank you to Kip and Paula at HNTB and Eric Kalivoda from the Louisiana Governors office and Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for inviting me to present on the future outlook of the state of Louisiana, and all the different topics that will have a bearing on that outlook.


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Entitled Future State, and based on a huge volume of information that I and the team had gathered over the previous eighteen months in preparation for this particular session with the state legislature, the presentation I created explored the impacts that numerous global, national, and local STEEP – Societal, Technological, Economic, Environmental, and Political – trends might have on the state’s future economic, industrial, and social health over the next 30 years.


Future State 2055, with Futurist Keynote Matthew Griffin


Primarily designed to inform the states future 2055 transportation strategy under the Louisiana Department of Transport (LDOT) and the US Department of Transport’s (US DOT) umbrella strategy we left no stone unturned as we explored the impact that emerging technologies and trends could have on the states future education programs, workforce, and population dispersement, examined how climate change could affect the insurability and viability of the states coastlines, energy sector, and infrastructure, and dived into all parts of the economy. Among many other areas besides.


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And then, at the end of the session we opened the floor to questions – of which there were plenty – and wrapped up as we looked forwards to the next set of scenario planning sessions.

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