Demystifying the future for audiences worldwide
Every day there are countless new, amazing technological and scientific breakthroughs and discoveries that with the right nurturing could not only help individuals and organisations build the future in front of our very eyes, but that could also transform the very fabric of global culture, industry and society.
During my keynotes, which cover almost every topic imaginable, from the Future of Money, and Transportation to the Future of Disruption, and Trust, I take audiences on a journey and bring the future to life, giving them first hand access to unprecedented insights into the future and, perhaps more importantly, the critical thinking, tools and vision that help them build, invent and lead their own futures.
The Future of Minds &Machines, Innovation in Giving, Dubai
I’m always awed by the amount of effort it takes to put on the events I speak at and the dedication and persistence of the people who organise them which is why I always aim to go above and beyond. Therefore, it is with no small amount of gratitude that I thank you all for providing me with some awesome testimonials and thank you all for doing me the honour of inviting me to play a privileged role in your events.
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