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Futurist Keynote, Philippines: The Future of Exponential Innovation, Philippines Govt.



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Firstly, thank you to Julie and the Philippine Government for asking me to present at their Next Generation R&D summit where hundreds of members of DOST, the Philippine Department of Science and Technology, came together to discuss the future of emerging technologies, innovation, and R&D and their impact on the future Philippine economy and their society.


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With a 30 year view we discussed not only these core topic areas but also the policies and visions the government needs to develop and implement to nurture innovation at every level of the Philippine economy.


Rewind and replay the keynote


Five years ago the Philippines were 111th in the world innovation rankings and now they’re 54th with their sights set on the top 30, and with over 109 million citizens the government also announced that they’d beaten their target to get 500 people per 100,000 into science and technology vocations.


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During my keynote, which you can see above, I discussed the key industry disruptions that are re-shaping all manner of industries and the future of innovation itself, and their collective impact on future R&D activities and policies, then we dived into breakout sessions to discuss the future of emerging technologies, energy, and materials in greater detail, the outputs of which will be used to inform and feed the governments PAGTANAW 2050 national Science and Technology (S&T) strategy.

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