Machine Learning

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF You don’t have to be a celebrity any longer to be turned into a DeepFake,…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Companies with better brand recognition, and deeper pockets, are cornering the market for AI talent,…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Being able to see in colour, even during the darkest nights, is a game changer…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF For a wide range of reasons many people have speaking disabilities, but now a Brain…

On 4 August 1997, Skynet, a US military developed program, became self-aware and began to think for itself. Operators tried…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Corruption is endemic, and now China’s AI powered anti-corruption program is getting shut down in…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Trying to create an artificial Sun on Earth is no mean feat, and scientists have…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Using AI to translate human languages is nothing new, but now we’re using the technology…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI’s that can predict outcomes from users behaviours are becoming increasingly common, and one of…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As the technologies needed to construct sophisticated robot surgeons advances, so too are the type…

WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF It’s nearly impossible to predict the impact that competing, or even collaborating, algorithms will have…