WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Concrete production accounts for 8% of all green house gasses, but green concrete is carbon…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Urban mining is the new term being given to the recycling of urban materials, which…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As we find new easier and cheaper ways to produce companies in the sector are…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Moore’s Law is slowing, because of both commercial and technical reasons, but diamonds are a…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The world is energy hungry, and the lithium-Ion battery, even though it’s more popular than…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Dirty industrial processes use huge amounts of energy and heat to create cement, glass, and…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The use of glass is increasing around the world and scientists are trying to find…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Being able to apply new properties to glass, such as liquid mirrors, could help companies…