
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As computers continue to shrink it allows organisations to dream up new ways of using…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Mining blockchain uses up an extraordinary amount of electricity, equivalent to an entire country, so…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Today there is no way you can control who uses or shares your information, despite…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI and blockchain are two incredibly powerful technologies, but for different reasons, however, when they’re…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF We all know that many jobs can be automated in time, but few people are…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF If someone has all your company’s money and assets what happens when they demand full…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Would you buy a virtual office building on a swanky New York street as an…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Crypto currencies, essentially programmable money, don’t play by old world rules and it shows the…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Cryptocurrencies and especially Bitcoin seem to freak most governments out because they reduces the state’s…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As AI’s capabilities improve it will revolutionise how we generate, transmit, sell and consume energy….


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Most companies and social networks are run and managed centrally but decentralised platforms and protocols…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Future companies won’t look anything like the companies of today in the way they operate…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Web 3.0 and other technologies give companies the opportunity to monetise things in new ways…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Bitcoin may have its critics, but noone can argue the impact that cryptocurrencies have had…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The world of finance is being automated faster than almost any other industry and JPMorgan…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As more people live and spend more time in the Metaverse they’ll buy more digital…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF With massive technology budgets and a paranoia of startups stealing a march Wall Street is…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF DeepFakes might look fun but as the technology to create them becomes more accessible they’ll…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF You’re an anonymous criminal, but your digital crypto wallet isn’t anonymous … now we can…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Most people now hold some form of crypto and even though they resisted at first…