
The Bitfinex heist is the latest is a growing line of high profile heists that are undermining confidence in the…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Quantum computers will soon be so powerful they could crack 70% of the world’s encryption…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Despite recent developments, if poverty was a disease governments would classify it as a pandemic,…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Automation and the emergence of powerful, centralised platform companies are, arguably, helping fuel wealth inequality,…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF As more devices and robots talk to one another directly we need to find new…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The power grids used by most countries were born in a different era, but now,…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Governments want backdoors in software and criminals want to exploit them to spread malware, now…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF We think the internet is already decentralised, but the internet as we know it is…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Companies with better brand recognition, and deeper pockets, are cornering the market for AI talent,…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Mining cryptocurrency is an incredibly contentious, complex, and energy expensive operation, but now a German…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Today none of your games characters, or any characters for that matter, can seamlessly jump…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF None of us have any control whatsoever over our personal privacy and the information that…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Bots are disrupting businesses and industries by changing the way consumers buy products and services….


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF It’s not just humans and animals that can create works of art – AI’s getting…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Despite solar power’s increasing popularity until now customers it’s been difficult and expensive for customers…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF In the future work, and jobs, will be more fluid than they are today, driven…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF NFT’s and Web 3.0 represent a new kind of global economy, a phydigital economy, where…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF China’s new Supermind AI will be a game changer that helps the country identify new…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Corruption is endemic, and now China’s AI powered anti-corruption program is getting shut down in…


WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The use of cash in society is falling and some of the world’s largest central…