WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Data makes AI work, but getting data into AIs is very hard – but it…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI itself is easy to break and corrupt, but now give that AI a body…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF What does it mean for human creativity when AI can generate sounds and other content…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Meta and other AI development companies increasingly think AI needs a body – AKA to…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF The future of computing shouldn’t be the crappy laptop, this is way cooler and getter…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF When AI goes rogue or harms people we need to be able to “Kill it”…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Increasingly we can use Generative AI against itself to cripple apps and ruin companies without…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF If companies do not prioritise security then they will find themselves in a similar situation…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Third party AI’s that act as go betweens between your organisation and other AI’s around…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF What if the future of computing wasn’t silicon chips but virtual or meta computers within…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF AI is changing the world, and globally 7 companies control the foundational models, these companies…
WHY THIS MATTERS IN BRIEF Open source changed the technology industry now imagine what everyone could do if they had…